As Seen In Flourish: The Newsletter of My Scrapbook Art Site
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This week’s sponsor:
This week we are so excited to have Dawn of Create Wings as our sponsoring designer! Dawn sells her beautiful designs at Oscraps, and everyone who participates will receive an exclusive coupon to Create Wings!
Click the image below to learn more about Dawn:
Now on to this week’s Dare!
Finish this sentence:
“I spend a lot of time online because…”
If digital scrappers are one thing, they are on the computer alot, if not online. I myself love digital scrapbooking because I do spend a lot of time surfing the internet, and it’s easy to be on the web while scrapping too. So whether you spend a lot of time chatting with other scrappers, or on Facebook, or on Ebay, tell us why.
- It must be a two-page layout
-Journaling must be a significant portion of the layout and you must begin with “I spend a lot of time on the computer because…”
-At least two photos or screenshots related to your journaling
-Use an action on one or all your photos
Layouts are due by midnight next Thursday, May 28th at .
Double Page
Page One
Page Two
I used a stock photo for the computer monitor. I used a photo corners action on one screen shot. I used a mosaic background action on another. Credits: Creation 23 by Createwings Designs; Picnic in the Park by wearestorytellers ; Alpha by Gina Cabrera; Addicted to Love and Be Green Add On by Spotted Dog Designs; Fonts: Euphorogenic, FG Freja, Fabulously Famous, Exotica; Actions: Graffishop Mosaic Background, Photo Corners unknown
Go create! I can’t wait to see your two-pagers! Remember to link us up here in the comments section by Thursday night at 11:59 PM Eastern (US) time in order to be eligible for the winning prizes.
Also, be sure to buy our Idea Book {downloadable} that is bundled in the {May} Digi Files #4 over at The Daily Digi! You get the whole bundle for just $5.00
Happy Scrapping.