New Dare, New Bella Scraps Homepage, and New Blinkies!
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I updated my sidebar, as it was L-O-N-G overdue with the blinkies of (most of) the sites I am currently affiliated.
Now for this weeks Dare
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Check out Bella Scraps New Homepage Makeover!!!! My birdcages tags are featured in the banner. :)
I updated my sidebar, as it was L-O-N-G overdue with the blinkies of (most of) the sites I am currently affiliated.
- Prima Marketing, Inc.
- Prima Hybrid
- Prima's Blog
- {we are} storytellers
- fan of emily powers selling at {we are} storytellers
- Say It With Letters
- Bella Scraps Magazine
- The Digi Dares
Now for this weeks Dare

What If…..
Well Spring should now be well on it’s way! While Spring is a lovely season, it also makes me feel kinda retrospective. This week I want us to go back in time and answer one of those “What If” questions that can float through our heads sometimes. For this weeks dare I want you to really think about it and scrap from your heart, be it a cracked piece of that heart or not. Let’s let some real, strong emotion shine through our pages!
The question: If you could go back in time, to whenever you wanted, and could change ONLY ONE decision that you have made in the past, what would it be? It’s up to you how much you want to share, but it has to be a real answer, a deeper answer. You do NOT have to scrap the question, but make sure that you make the subject clear. We are going to work with symbolism also, sometimes not actually showing the full picture, but using symbolic images and words can really be eye catching and make people think.
Dare Flairs:
* You may only use 1 photo and it may NOT be of a person - choose something that is symbolic of your answer.
* I want you to try and choose elements that are symbolic of the subject your scrapping. Tell the story with the whole page, not just your words. It only has to make sense to you, but I want you to choose 1 element you are using symbolically and explain in your credits why it’s symbolic.
* You must use a neutral or dark background - by neutral I mean gray, tan, beige etc.
* Lastly, Try and make your photo look old and a bit tattered. We are digging into the past so lets reflect that in our image!
Journaling on tag:
Nature of Illness or Injury
Patient failed to heed professional advice. She accepted employment with the dragonlady of interior design. Dragonlady chewed her up and spit her out.
First Aid Administered
Several years of therapy, and renewal of faith.
Rest of journaling:
If I had never walked through that door, I might never have given up my career as an interior designer. I might have used my degree to make the world beautiful. Maybe I would have ended up more materialistic instead of spiritual. Maybe i would have found success, but would I have become a diamond in the rough?
Woodworks by Leora Sanford
That Had to Hurt by Leora Sanford
Worn Photo Overlays2 by Something Blue Studios
Stamp Act by Leora Sanford
Mark That Date Again by Emily Powers
Chippie Birdie Alpha by beAudacious Designs
Staple by Tangie Baxter
Diamond from Build A Flower at Oscraps
2peas Architect Font
Photo from
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Check out Bella Scraps New Homepage Makeover!!!! My birdcages tags are featured in the banner. :)

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