Home Sweet Home

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Welcome to my bedroom! Well, it used to be my bedroom. If you want to host Thanksgiving in your own home, it helps to have a dining room. That was one thing we did not have in this home that we love.

Fast forward to the completion of our renovations! A door leads to the new addition where the bed once was, and we found the furniture from the newspaper...we got all the pieces for just $500!

Hopefully this spring we can get the room painted, and add some finishing touches. For now, we are just enjoying what we thought we'd never have in this house, a spacious room just for dining. If we happened to be blessed with children, this room will probably double as a playroom, as the dining table leafs fold down and it can be stuck in the corner.

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Maryfrances Fabbri said...

Very cool JA, congrats. Now go to the grocery and make a romantic dinner for you and DH. LOL