I will never.............

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I will NEVER forget where I came from or who I am. I will NEVER stop believing in my talents, that I serve a purpose. I will NEVER go without practicing spirituality in my life, for without guidance I am lost. I will NEVER allow someone to convince me that I am not worthy. I will NEVER harden my heart to the point that children, the future of this world, are not a priority. I will NEVER sing in public- unable to carry a tune, also because I leave the singing up to my musician husband. I will NEVER stop learning, creating, and sharing. I get so much joy out of all of it. I will NEVER forget that abundance is not about money, but about love and goodwill. I will NEVER deny myself my true feelings, for in processing all of my feelings, I know true happiness - not just true sadness and despair. I will NEVER give up on my marriage, I strongly believe in the bond that we share. I will NEVER live without a grateful heart, as Oprah says "a grateful heart is always happy." I will NEVER let someone else define who I am, because I am my own person.

Background paper: braggadocio.org Fonts: French Script, Dirty Bakers Dozen Black swirls: my own Other swirl brushes: pootato.org

Thanks for looking and thanks Effers for the inspiration!

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Kristy said...

What great words are written! LOVE this!