March Round- up

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From Katie the Scrapbooking Lady

What books and/or magazines did I read this month? MM Best of the Masters

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month? American Idol, Sons & Daughters, SuperNanny, WifeSwap on NBC, Oprah, Dr. Phil

What illnesses or health concerns did I have in March? Continuing treatment for whiplash, passed my yearly physical with flying colors

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family? Babysat Reid, Lunch in Syracuse with the girls, Road trip with KD to meet MFF and family, Lunch with Cara and Jay, Artic Frog class with Tonia, left for Toronto with DH

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try in March?
Restaurants we ate at included Ponderosa, Chili's, Country Buffet, and Veni Vidi Vici (Toronto)

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
Found great deal on jeans at Old Navy Outlet in Waterloo, Hard Rock t-shirt in Toronto, bought my first digital kit (Rhonna Farrer's Pea Pod kit), signed up for my first digital sb class at Big Picture Scrapbooking

What were this month’s disappointments?
To be written for private viewing

What were my accomplishments this month?
Picked up by Paper Trends (first time), Scrapbook Answers, and DCWV will be using items for QVC airings, stayed within my budget

(This is copied and pasted from Katie's site (link above)- I hope you don't mind Katie - If I don't put it here I'll just forget all about it.)

Then I am going to be sure that at the end of each month I have done the following tasks:

* I'm going to add something to this list this month - I am going to print out my blog entries to keep in a binder. My blog(s) really are like a journal and I was thinking that it would be nice to have hard copy to keep. I know some people back up their blog files which is probably a good idea.

Pictures & layouts:

Backed up all digital pictures to a cd

Back up all digital layouts to a cd

Print out any digital layouts created during the month and put them in albums.
Uploaded all digital pictures to 2 different sites. ( I use Sony Image Station & Costco photo center)

Send email links to online photo albums to your family or friends who might enjoy them

* Get your pictures printed out and put into simple photo sleeve albums.

If you use film, be sure you get all your pictures developed and file your negatives in a safe place. If possible, I would suggest you get a picture cd along with your developing.

* Put finished paper scrapbook layouts in sheet protectors and albums to enjoy.

Scrapbooking Supplies:

For digital scrappers:

download, unzip, and file all kits & fonts purchased. Save a preview image of each kit and keep it in a separate file for easy browsing. Back up all new purchases to cd or dvd in case of computer crash or to maximize your hard drive space.

For paper scrappers:
put away any new purchases. Do you still have stuff in sacks sitting around? I know some of you do! Put it away in an organized system.

For all scrappers:

Look through what you have purchased recently and decide what you want to use. At the first of the month set some goals for scrapping (hint – use this same list of ideas as a goal sheet for April)

Sort through old supplies that no longer appeal to you. Donate them to a friend who can use them or a charity. My older supplies go to my daughter who happily uses them to create many fun projects. I have also donated some to charity.

Look through what supplies you did use during the month and think about what it is about them that appealed to you. This will help you make smarter purchases in the future.

Clean up your area! Whether that is getting your computer in tip top shape, or clearing off the piles on a table where you can sit and work.

So consider this a little nudge with the old spurs from Katie the Scrapbook Lady. Don’t let this sit unfinished for too long, take a few minutes and write out your answers while the month is still fresh in your mind. You will be so glad that you did!

If you want to get really ambitious, have other family members fill this out (or help them with it) for an even richer memory resource.

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Kristy said...

I love reading about your month JA! Sounds like a good one!