Publication Tip #12: 5 Ways to Make Money with Photoshop

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Publication Tips for Scrapbookers #12
The Photoshop Roadmap: Use Photoshop To Earn Money

The Photoshop Roadmap issued this article on how to use a tool you probably already have to generate income. There are hundreds of digital scrappers who already set up shop online and are selling their goodies.

Here's the highlights of the article:

Tip #1: Create Photoshop brushes or other goodies
and sell them online.

Tip #2: Create your own gift store with your artwork

Tip #3: Participate on contests.

Tip #4: Write your own tutorials.

Tip #5: Sell your photographs or illustrations.

EXTRA TIP! Tip #6: Create and sell your own Photoshop plugins.

EXTRA TIP #2! Tip #7: Write something that’s cool or unique.

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