What's in Your Bucket?

2:35 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
This could kinda be a publication tip if you want to view it that way. Have you seen the "What's in Your Bucket?" class at Big Picture Scrapbooking? I took the class last month and today I'm dealing with stuff in my bucket. It's a great class for finding out how to create more time for scrapping, submitting and overall time-management, taught by Aby Garvey - a professional organizer.

My Bucket
I was offered a position at scrapquick.com and I have to decide if I want to take it. I had cut back on some commitments and now I seem to have replaced them very quickly and I really need to consider if I'm making the right moves that will keep me content, aligned with my goals, and fulfilling my purpose.

I hope you all are having a creative day!!! Off to prepare for an online meeting. :)

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Anonymous said...

You have a great bucket (and, I can see what you mean about it getting full)! Best wishes as you sort it all out!