Prayer for Virginia Tech

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Dear Friend,

Here in Silent Unity, our love and prayers reach out to all of the students and faculty of Virginia Tech and their families. We invite you to join your hearts with ours in prayer as we enfold every person in thoughts of comfort, peace, and faith, trusting the love of God to uphold and sustain each one through this difficult time.

The love of God is the source of strength. We pray that those who lost a loved one will find strength and assurance in the knowledge that God’s love is eternal and their loved one is eternally enfolded in God’s care and keeping.

The very life of God is the source of healing and renewal. As we pray for those who need healing, we see each person as whole in mind, body, and spirit. God is a safe haven, and in this knowledge each person can find peace and strength to move ahead.

As you add your prayers consciousness to ours and to that of people everywhere who are supporting the students and families of Virginia Tech, we offer words of faith and comfort to support you in your prayer times. You can read the timeless words of James Dillet Freeman’s I Am There or listen to his Prayer for Protection. You may also submit a prayer request regarding this situation or any situation in your life.

Our daily devotional magazine, Daily Word, features messages of comfort and peace. We invite you to explore where you will find these soothing messages and more.

We are all one in the family of God, and we bless you for joining your hearts with ours in prayer for our sacred family. God is always with you, dear friend, and we are one with you in faith and love.

In peace,

Silent Unity

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