So what's new?

12:35 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

What is new in my world? Well, I let it slip over at 2peas that I am working on a Carnival/Fair Digital Kit. It is going to be very unique (at least I think it is.) If you want to know when it will be available, just sign up for my email notifications for the blog here and you will get the notification delivered to your inbox!

Congratulations to all friends including Carolyn and Sue for making it into the Memory Makers Idea Gallery 7. I can't wait to see that issue. I did send in a bunch of layouts for that call but alas, it was not meant to be. That's ok. My time will come.

Wicked Awesome Thursday
rocked yet again this week at Scrapbooker Online. Be sure to enter our 3bugs In a Rug contest this month!!!! (Info on the home page there.)

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