The Year in Review

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Inspired by Sarah at SBO, I am taking my list of what happened in 2005 and taking action.

-decided to set aside ebay business in order to focus on getting published
-incredibly lucky to get picked up right away in the Scrapbook Trends Weddings 2005 Idea Book that was released in the spring
-mother found out she had breast cancer
-got more active on twopeas message boards
-applied for a couple design teams and landed a spot in April
-started planning our anniversary trip to Hawaii after convincing DH now was the time to go if we wanted children
-started to have issues with my right wrist
-started to go to Curves in March, hoping to lose weight before TTC
-unable to go to Curves in late spring due to injury
-DH's boss returned to town
-Sara & I drove to Syracuse for Carrie's Pampered Chef party
-Carrie's envelope-addressing party
-Carrie's bridal shower & bachelorette party - fun fun - slumber party
-DH and I arguing alot around May
-1st anniversary in Oahu - very romantic and quite healing for us
-realized I couldn't go off all my medications for TTC so looked into plan B
-learned to embrace snark and my bitchy side
-sold almost $300 in SB garage sale at scrapbook store in buffalo
-helped Sara move to her new house a little bit
-helped Sara spy on car guy that was suing her
-asked DH whether we should convert garage into living space and he ran with it
-after getting several quotes: hired Schu
-had a huge garage sale in order to get ready for renovations
-Carrie's wedding
-met Cara & Jay
-lots of picnics at the beach
-babysat nephews for Spring Break, and then babysat just Jeremy during summer vacation
-got Jeremy his first library card
-met DH's cousins from Lebanon when they visited in July
-met my great-nephew for the first time when they visited from Alabama
-out of over 100 applicants was chosen to be on design team for a new scrapbook paper manufacturer: Zsiage
-editors of Jo-Ann's ScrapEssentials V. 2 commissioned me to do a dozen projects
-published in brand new magazine Scrapbook Answers
-Philly trip with the girls
-parents moved from Indiana to Ohio
-parents visited us in September
-first trip to Ikea in Philly
-went on our annual haunted house visit
-sister helped get new mayor elected in Buffalo, and now will be the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Mayor of Operations
-Carrie's baby shower and meeting Terri
-Grandmother had complications to appendix surgery & now in long-term care
-father found a job and lost a job
-despite our struggles, DH and I are more committed and happier than ever
-started TTC on Thanksgiving Day
-finished renovations
-one of our best Christmas holidays as everyone behaved themselves this year
-NYE with friends
-learning my new camera
-decided to quit Zsiage

There's more but that's most of it. Feeling very fortunate and very excited for all the possibilities of 2006. I don't really remember feeling so enthusiastic about a New Year ever before.

Once you have completed you list write down:

My five most important accomplishments are:
1. being on Design Team at Scrapbooker Online
2. was a good friend
3. made a difference in the life of a child
4. getting published
5. being a good wife

Three ways I have grown over the last year are:
1. as a scrapbooker
2. expanded my social network
3. more confidence in my abilities and talent

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