Wicked Awesome Thursday

2:55 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Best moment of yesterday: The sampler ezine at Scrappin' Trends came out. (It is in PDF form). I am on page 9 Layout titled: 3 Boys and a Pillow; and I am on page 17 altered bottles: Love Potion #9 from my CK HOF entry. Even though there is no pay or compensation for this, I am thrilled just to share my creations with the public.

Worst moment of yesterday: Not having any time to connect with DH. When he got home from work, my DT chat was just starting and when it ended 1.5 hours later at 11 pm - he was ready for bed. I really hate that - yet I think Wednesdays are the best night for DT chats because usually he is at rehearsal and doesn't get home until very late. I felt guilty about it but if he had had rehearsal he wouldn't have felt guilty for leaving me home all alone so why should I take that on? LOL

This is my layout for Wicked Awesome Thursday at ScrapbookerOnline. The DT swapped photos so I scrapped Amy Workman's photos. The layout she did of my photo is here: CKC. While you are at it...check out Kristy Huddle's layout here.

The digital scrappers at SBO also have had some fun. We did a digital Round Robin. Based on gadgetka's layout, we each lifted one another. In order there was Angela's Sometimes It Shows, Marjorie's Enough Already, my layout titled Look at Me, and last was Sue K's Higher.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy and inspired to scrap!

A big thank you

12:37 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
This page has a grammatical error. LOL. I submitted this page with the grammar corrected to the CKC-Buffalo CK contest. It didn't place but I still like it. (Credits: Playful kit at DesignerDigitals, Designing with Digital CD elements, Book Bag Essentials at DDE, Atomic Cupcake chipboard action.)

Yesterday I realized I need to give a huge thank-you to my Secret Sister at 2peas - whoever you are. She bought me the book "Designing with Digital" and with that book and the kits on the CD - I created the page that got me into CK as I announced yesterday. So thank you so much!!!!

Along those lines, I need to thank Marjorie for inspiring me to learn a little digital, Rhonna Farrer for making the DWD book happen, and Veronica Ponce for designing the kit that I used on this layout that will be in CK November.

Yesterday's High Point: Getting my layout picked up for the Creating Keepsakes November sketch. I tried a digital layout for the sketch - I figured that it doesn't take all that long to make a digital layout so why not try? I had tried but one other sketch since the call for the first BH Sketch book. Yes, I was super excited to get into CK and even more so since it followed on the heels of getting into ST.

Yesterday's Low Point: Finding out a dear friend's relationship with her significant other is ending. I hope all the best for her during this time of transition, and hoping that she finds new strength that she didn't know she had. My first thought is always that I'm sure this is part of the divine order of things...even though it's one of the most difficult things to go through. It brings me back to my last relationship before I met my husband...how the relationship was pretty much dead after six months but we held on for another 1.5 years. It became more of a friendship, out of loneliness than anything else. Sending her good thoughts and hugs. She deserves so much more!

I am on Cloud 9

3:10 PM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
Two great days - yesterday I found out I will have my first layout (digital to boot) in Scrapbook Trends October. Today I find out I will be in Creating Keepsakes November in the Becky's Sketch article!!!! That one is digital too. Yes, I am ecstatic.

So yes, that was my high point for yesterday - I screamed, jumped up and down, then called Maryfrances!

My low point yesterday was having to say "no" to friends. It's important to be strong enough to say "no", especially when saying "yes" brings you stress and brings you down. There are certain obligations in life you can't say no to, and then there are requests where you need to have the courage to guard your sanity by saying "no." It's not fun, and I don't feel good saying no, I even feel guilty and worry I'll be thought of as a "bad" person. Especially because I'm saying "no" to someone I consider a dear friend and I don't want to rock the boat. Yet, I've been encouraged by a professional coach to do what needs to be done when it comes to saying "no."

Anyways...getting back to today's excitement. I sent out an email to my family listing all the publications that I will be in:

Right now: July issue of Scrapbook Answers
August issue of Paper Trends
October issue of Scrapbook Trends
November issue of Creating Keepsakes
Thanks to all who have inspired me, who have supported me, who have given me praise, and who take the time to read my blog!!! Happy scrapping!

I almost forgot: These layouts are recent layouts in my gallery at Scrapbookeronline. The first layout uses Rhonna Farrer's Split Pea kit (thank you to my Secret Sister for buying it for me); the second layout uses the Shabby Shack Megakit at Digital Design Essentials; and the third layout is a scraplift from Cathy Z.'s new book!

Wonderful weekend

8:32 PM Edit This 4 Comments »
It was a great weekend. Interesting to say the least! LOL

Friday June 23rd: High Point - Learning my credit score is 809 out of 850 (the higher the better). We were at the bank for a special reason to be revealed at a later date and I found out that my credit is not bad like I assumed it would be. After all, I've been very good for the last decade. It was a very nice surprise. Low Point - David and I bickering like two little children over nothing at all. LOL. I'm sure there is something that happened that was worse than that but at this moment that is all that I can remember. I hate it - I think it's a control thing. We barely notice it but I think if someone else was around they would say - what the heck? LOL

Saturday June 24th: High point - Coming home after being out with friends to find out the HarborFest fireworks have just begun. We walked down to the beach where the whole neighborhood was watching, and we walked down to the water to watch it. It was very romantic and a cool experience. Not sure where we were in years' past for this event but it was the first time we saw it since living here. Low point - bickering with each other whether to stand at the top of the hill to watch the fireworks (David) or to go all the way down to the water and stand on the beach to watch the fireworks (me). I won and David couldn't stop proclaiming what a great idea it was. But there we were again almost ruining the moment because we couldn't agree.

Sunday June 25th: The day is almost over so I'll go ahead and journal for today too. High point - cuddling together this morning with the bedroom door open to outside, letting the sun shine in and hearing the birds sing. Then we just enjoyed a lazy Sunday pursuing our artistic interests. A great way to end the weekend. Low point - Unable to go for a walk at sunset because of the incoming rain clouds. Otherwise I'd be out there right now walking. Here's to hoping that tomorrow is a clear day!


Nikki at SBO challenged us to blog about our Top Ten list for Summer.

1. Getting to swim in the pool with the kids
2. More walks on the beach
3. Perfect sunny days
4. Flowers in bloom and everyone seems full of life
5. Vacation planning
6. Fireworks
7. Moonlit nights at the firepit making smores
8. Riding in the car with the windows rolled down
9. Cool breezes through our house
10.Getting frozen yogurt as a special treat and sitting outside to eat it

What's your top ten list?

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

12:46 AM Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
Click on image to enlarge.

Trying to catch up on Rhonna Farrer's challenge. The above quote is the prompt for today's digital delight. It's late and I can no longer string sentences together so goodnight all!

Happy Hump Day

5:48 PM Posted In , Edit This 1 Comment »

Today was a nice day - I spent a few hours at the beach. Waded through the lake, walked some, and mostly sat under the shade of the tree and read more of Cathy Z's new book. Caught up on some message boards here at home, then ran to Staples to make a photocopy of a picture, and buy some photo paper. I was trying to do the packing tape image transfer, but printed from my home computer and the ink kept smearing in the water. I guess it really needs to be a photocopy because of the toner ink. Got home with my photocopy and it worked.

Finished my art journal page which I'm posting along with the original photo so you can see how the packing tape transfer turned out. (the colors are off in the transfer because I'm running out of cyan ink in my printer). Click on the image to see a larger view.

Back to Cathy Z.'s book - she suggests journaling for two weeks each day's high point and low point. What a great idea. Yesterday's high point was a tie between surprising my nephew Jeremy when I jumped in ala cannonball style near him and getting a good splash, and playing with a puzzle with Reid and teaching him about the people pictured on the puzzle: fireman, doctor, chef, carpenter, policeman, and programmer. I dont' get to see Jeremy very often so it was nice to be playful with him and his friend in the pool. Even when I didn't last very long once they started attacking me with their turbo-blaster squirt guns! LOL Jeremy's voice, at age 13, is starting to change. He's at that age where he "plays" that he hates getting his photo taken, and it truly is more playful than anything - a game.
Reid at age 4 is a sponge - he always has been - a smart kid. He repeats EVERYTHING he hears -from whatever I say to him, to what is on TV as when Grandma was watching a soap opera and he'd repeat a sentence from it even though he had his back to it and engaged in a puzzle! Every little thing for Reid is an accomplishment. He exhibits such delight - jumping up and down with glee, clapping while exlaiming "I did it, I did it" or if you're not watching "Look! Look!"

The low point: being outspoken and it not being well-received. Heh. What did I expect? For them to jump up and down with happiness? LOL At least I live where I can express my own opinion if I please and not have to worry about persecution. It was a long road to find my voice and there it is. I'm ok with how the events played out because in the end, I think even though they are not overjoyed, it was constructive. If nothing else, I learned a lot. To me, it's all good.

La lala la la...it's the weekEND!!!

2:02 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Day five of Rhonna's challenge has me in a spiritual frame of mind. Now before you roll your eyes and quickly navigate from this page, lol, hear me out.

Actually, I have no idea what I'm going to say other than ask "Is creativity really a spiritual endeavor?" Different persons in history thought so. For instance, the Quakers would never create a single piece of furniture nor architecture unless they felt divinely inspired. Take a good look at Quaker furniture, and you can't help but feel that it is from a source of sacredness. It's just heavenly.

I am on this creative journey and I feel propelled along effortlessly. I don't know why or how, just that I must. I don't know where I'm going despite where I'd LIKE to go. I'm just along for the ride. Some of you know that I am not a religious person...however I believe in defining myself as highly spiritual.

Part of this challenge is to walk a MORE creative path. I typed into google "the source of creativity" and this link came up first. The poem in my page for today is the poem on this website.

By Swami Veda Bharati

Rain-washed fruit,
stream-washed pebble,
sun-washed earthling
japa-washed mind.
Leaf-sheltered berry,
tree-sheltered shade,
moon-sheltered wild,
guru-sheltered mind.
Om-centered speech,
Mantra-centered thought,
point-centered circle,
Soul-centered mind.
Wind-loved mountain,
breeze-loved hill,
psalm-loved prophet,
god-loved mind.
Peel and cast off body-rind,
all the prana-twists unwind,
loosen breath-warp power-knots,
think the gentle no-thought thoughts.
See by heart's eye un-name numbered,
unbound mind.
Sword-edged knowledge,
ray-sharp wisdom,
two wheels treading pathless paths,
leaving mere mind behind:
japa-washed mind,
guru-sheltered mind,
soul-centered mind,
god-loved mind.
Trained and tamed,
abandoned mind.
On the royal road to god,
By the souls of stainless kind,
By the saints of mindless mind.

Fabulous Friday

11:56 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday. I didn't get a chance to do Day 4 of Rhonna's challenge but that's life. Here is day 5's page plus a page from Wicked Awesome Thursday using 3bugs and Sassafrass Lass.

Not much going on in the Shahin househould. BTW, Shahin is pronounced "Sha-heen" - I so wish it was spelled the way that it is pronounced. Here in Rochester, the distant cousins of my husband's family the Shaheen's are quite well-known as small business owners. So our spelling is often mis-pronounced even though it is pronounced the same way as the other. :)

Leaving in five minutes to go to the chiropractorl. Hope everyone is healthy and happy and getting some scrapping in! Enjoy your weekend.

Have you heard?

4:40 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
Have you heard about digital talk radio? It's really cool. The first interview was with Rhonna Farrer and the second interview was with the 2peas personality: mojito aka PC Smart aka Pamela. You can check it out at www.digitalscrapbookingradio.com

Day 3 of the 21 Day Challenge. Very inspired by some new brainstorming techniques.

13 is my lucky number

5:45 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Yes, I like the number 13. Mainly because we got married on the 13th of June, 2004. Happy day.

Ok...Day 2 of Rhonna Farrer's 21-day challenge. I was a bit upset this morning because I had a really cool layout started and lost it all after about a half-hour. Weird. Maybe it's that Yahoo Worm although I did do a fresh virus scan and nothing was found.

Anyhoo, on my journey to walk a more creative path I stumbled upon the Imagination Generator at the Creativity Portal. If you are not signed up for their newsletter you will want to sign up. The prompt was "I am good at..." (Click on image to enlarge to read journaling.)

Credits: Bulletin board & felt flower from Designer Digitals freebie, Scotch Tape by Angela Spangler, stick pin posted by pinyus27 from Microsoft Digital Image 2006 at Digital Scrapbook Place; letter stickers: Tia Bennett's Dirt Don't Hurt at Designer Digitals;textured notebook paper by Tia Bennet in her New Growth kit; tag from Gina Cabrera's Book Bag Essentials at Digital Design Essentials; font: MFF Handwriting freebie at Scrapbookeronline
Photo by Gelfand-Piper

Walk with me

1:25 PM Posted In Edit This 7 Comments »

After taking Stacy Julian's Creativity class at BPS, I consciously vowed to walk a more creative path. I decided to try something I've been wanting to do but didn't quite know what angle to approach it at - I decided to try Rhonna Farrer's 21 Day Challenge. Today is day ONE. Now that I am also doing digital, I decided I'd do my first digital art journal for this challenge. I am still working on my title page = "Walking a More Creative Path". I did finish the page for today. I feel good. It was a productive session working on developing an "artist's statement." This is not my statement but some of my brainstorming (click on image to enlarge and read my journaling.)

This is an exciting week. I just feel it in the air. I don't know what is happening but something exciting is taking place. Ever feel that way? It's not just that our second wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Something bigger is happening. I know it.


Happy Scrapping!

Credits: Background paper from Misty Mareda's Dani kit, a gift from the digishoppe.com; Funky Flower doodles by Fee Jardine available at the digichick; Prong and stitching from Lauren Grier's Intensity B&W Add-on Freebie avaible at elementalscraps.com; Scotch Tape by Angela Spangler blog freebie; Artist word art from Gina Cabrera's Book Bag Essentials at Digital Design Essentials; Font work by me; Font: Cry Kitty from internet

Confessions of a slacker

9:08 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

So don't ask me to participate in any swaps, unless they are my idea of course because I hate going to the post office to send things. I procrastinate forever! I don't know. Maybe I hate certain obligations that I have found myself tied to. Who knows. Anyway - here is a scraplift of Alb52 at Scrapbook Bytes, actually I saw a scraplift of her layout and lifted the lift which was posted at Designer Digitals. The photo is a royalty-free photo from www.sxc.com--If you need to know any of the credits please leave a comment here with your email address and I'll look up the credits. I don't plan on posting this anywhere else so I didn't write down the credits. Most of them are from the designers at Scrap Artist! (click on the image to read the poem)

So what's new?

12:35 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »

What is new in my world? Well, I let it slip over at 2peas that I am working on a Carnival/Fair Digital Kit. It is going to be very unique (at least I think it is.) If you want to know when it will be available, just sign up for my email notifications for the blog here and you will get the notification delivered to your inbox!

Congratulations to all friends including Carolyn and Sue for making it into the Memory Makers Idea Gallery 7. I can't wait to see that issue. I did send in a bunch of layouts for that call but alas, it was not meant to be. That's ok. My time will come.

Wicked Awesome Thursday
rocked yet again this week at Scrapbooker Online. Be sure to enter our 3bugs In a Rug contest this month!!!! (Info on the home page there.)

Digging out my art journal

11:59 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
I decided to take class at www.scrapgirls.com on how to combine digital and paper scrapping. It's also a good excuse for me to get out my art journal which I never did get past page 3. The last page I did for it was back in DECEMBER!!! about my muse. This is my page I completed today and if you want to know all about how I did it, why I did it, what supplies I used and what digital credits there are, please go to my gallery at Scrapbooker Online, and view it all there.

It's late and I'm ready for bed!!! Good night. :)

Guest Design Team Search - Scrapbooker Online

11:13 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
Guest Design Team Announcement

Scrapbooker Online
will be hiring two new Guest Designers for the months of July - September. If you are interested in applying please send Maryfrances (MFF) a message. I would like to discuss the responsibilities with each person before they apply.

The deadline for entries will be Friday June 16th. I will make my decision by Tuesday June 20th.

You will be asked to submit two pieces of your work that have not been seen by MFF or the SBO gallery. You will also be asked to submit a written essay, no more than a paragraph or two, explaining why you want to be a part of the SBO team and what interesting ideas/challenges/activities you would bring to the site.

The Guest Design Team Appointment will be from July 1st – September 30th.

Guest Designers will be responsible for the following during their appointment.

• Responsible for at least 4 layouts a month, using supplies provided by Scrapbooker Online to be used in conjunction with Wicked Awesome Thursdays.
• Other work to be uploaded throughout the month coinciding with challenges, on line crops, games, or personal work. As assigned and agreed upon by the GDT member.
• Creation and participation in monthly challenges. Schedule to be determined by MF and agreed upon by the GDT member.
• Consistent and relevant presence in the gallery and on our message boards.
• Each Guest Design Team members may offer to write an article/how to or book review to be published on our site and in our newsletter during their term.
• Participation as a judge in our monthly contests.
• Participation appreciated in our on line chats, cyber crops, games or other activities at SBO.
• Participation in monthly DT chats.

• Other site DT position are acceptable along with Manufacturers DT position. Please be aware that if this in any way will hinder your participation in the above responsibilities please make this careful decision beforehand.


May Roundup

10:57 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
What books and/or magazines did I read this month? Designing with Digital by Autumn Leaves

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month? DVD: Fun with Dick and Jane starring Tea Leoni and Jim Carey; All the season finales of our favorite shows including American Idol, Desperate Housewives and best of all: Grey's Anatomy

What special days did I celebrate and how? Mother's Day- visited MIL; The International Lilac Festival, with a concert by Teddy Geiger; Memorial Day and David's birthday at IL's

What illnesses or health concerns did I have in May? Getting physical therapy for shoulder and neck

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family? Go to concert; bought a fire pit for outdoors; surprised an online friend with an altered birdhouse; went to record show with David; went to Kelly's crop; participating in a Secret Sister swap online

What were this month’s disappointments? Getting only to round 3 in Ultimate Digi Scrapper contest

What were my accomplishments this month? Getting to round 3 in Ultimate Digi Scrapper contest; several tin albums requested for QVC; offering my first digital kits online

Any thing else noteworthy to record about May? First bike ride, first walk on beach at sunset, first walk on the pier, first fire in our firepit

My heart

12:38 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
5 words or phrases that capture my life right now:
1. Joyous
2. Inspired
3. Happily happily happily married
4. Grateful
5. Enthusiastic

What about life has drained you dry and why have you accepted this as a normal way to live?
I honestly can say that I try to eliminate those types of things that can drain me dry. I am very fortunate. If there are things that I am in denial about, I hope that my eyes will be opened and that I have the courage to change.

What do you do for your heart? Daily....weekly....monthly?
I take photos with my new camera. I say that is the biggest pleasure in my life, and with that comes sharing these photos. Being able to have outlets for the expression of self is so very important to me. Staying connected on a daily basis with my online scrapping friends from all-over the word is what I look forward to each day. Taking time to educate myself on a weekly or monthly basis keeps my brain happy.

How would you live differently if you believed your heart was a treasure?
I would surround myself in a community where only scrappers and musicians lived. LOL These are people who just "get" me and my husband. I would also take more vacations to tropical islands. LOL

All prompts are from the Scrap Girls University Class I am taking right now.

Absolutely inspired

10:42 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
I apologize to SBO members who read this on the message board, I'm just copying and pasting what I wrote:

If you have never been to a Creating Keepsakes Convention, I highly recommend it! I was actually kinda nervous about going, don't ask me why because I don't know but at the end of it all, Patti West and I were very sad to see the end come.

First, I packed just my basic supplies like trimmer, basic tools like eyelet setter and stapler, journaling pen, pencil, wet and dry adhesives. Having an adhesive that is fast and easy is important because most classes go at lightning speed. You need something to poke holes with because you do use brads.

I also packed casual clothes and good walking shoes. I brought my Crop-In-Style Cropper thing on wheels, empty without anything in it. Even though you can't take it into the classes or in the Vendor Faire, it's good to have to store things in such as purchases made, water bottles, and snacks. Our classes were in the Convention Center, not in the official CKC hotel so I found it very handy to be able to get stuff out of my cropper whenever I needed to. All you do is pay for "check" it kinda like a coat check. You can get a 3-day pass for it, and then you don't have to worry about it.

Patti and I decided to skip the evening crops....I had not read good things about the crops and then did not hear many good things about the crops from the people who attended them. I brought photos but never needed or had time to use them or scrap them.

I signed up for classes for Thursday night, all day Friday, and Saturday afternoon. As Patti said, we had decided to volunteer Saturday morning which is a 4-hour shift - although I know of one girl who volunteered for just an hour. If you volunteer for all 4 hours, you get $30 to spend on CK books/magazines/or t-shirts.
I ended up buying The Big Picture Book, as well as Digital Designs by Renee Pearson and Cathy Z's sequel to her first book.

Just Between Friends
(Thursday, June 01) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm $28.00

My first class was sponsored by Melissa Frances. It used the pink and green papers shown on the homepage of the website: http://www.melissafrances.com/ We made the accordian keepsake album shown here: http://www.melissafrances.com/products.asp?id=32#
They are really cool paper-mache albums. Absolutely awesome. I'd like to finish mine before I post any pictures. That class was $28 and really worth it. It was a really small class so everyone in there got one or two door prizes.

Patti took the Paper Tapestry class that night too...and then we went and met my sister at a bar where they were watching the Buffalo Sabres and spent the night at my sister's apartment.

On Friday, we got up early because we qualified for the free early pass to the Vendor Faire at 9 am, and we didn't have class until 9:50 am. Patti bought a bunch of stuff at Basic Grey and I decided to just make a walk-through to get a lay of the land before I started shopping. Wow. How cool it was to have so many scrapbook stores/vendors/manufacturers all in one spot!

I put my ticket in for the Vendor Faire door prize and lo & behold I was the very first winner of the weekend. People would later find out my name and tell me they saw my name on the winner's list! LOL My prize was not all that exciting. Basically it was a $10 GC to Lickety-Split Scrapbooks but all they sold were expensive page kits that I was not interested in. Luckily they did have little embellishments that were 6 for $1 so I bought a bunch of spiral paper clips and a bunch of photo turns and a few jumbo buttons with my $10 GC. And a cute monogram "J".

Anything But Basic With BasicGrey
(Friday, June 02) 9:50 am - 10:50 am $15.00

Then Patti and I had our first class of the day together. We ended up getting there late because we didn't read our schedules very well, lol. We weren't able to sit together because the class was sold out and we were late. We were able to sit right behind each other though so we could still talk although there was NO time for talking. The class went VERY fast. The class was called Anything but Basic with Basic Grey - not sponsored by Basic Grey but by an online store. I didn't realize that about CKC - I had assumed all classes were by the manufacturers or by CK staff. The purpose of the class was basically to show you how to use some of the busy papers so they could sell you stuff. It was interesting but NOT a "must-take" class that I would recommend. Then again, busy patterned paper doesn't intimidate me so it's a matter of opinion.

"Simply Become Who You Are" With Lisa Bearnson
(Friday, June 02) 11:10 am - 12:10 pm $18.00

My second class was "Simply Become Who You Are" with Lisa Bearnson. I do recommend classes by CK teachers because quite often they have a lecture along with having you make something. I wasn't sure I'd like the lectures yet Lisa's were very inspiring that encouraged you to think in new ways about your motivations for scrapping and how to make it more meaningful for you and your family. Lisa was awesome. I know there are some people who are not fans of hers so I admit I was expecting not to like her - yet she is really an amazing woman, a real woman. Maybe that sounds corny - oh well. I would highly recommend this class.

After that class, I decided not to bug Lisa Bearnson for a photo or an autograph because I knew I'd see here again for another class with Patti. However I did run into Erin Lincoln right outside that class so I asked her if I could get a photo with her. I told her I would be in one of her classes later and she asked me which one. It's called "Get Down and Dirty with CK" so she said "Oh that's the one with the Chippendales." I must have given her a look like I believed her because she told me she was just kidding but I was really thinking it must be a new line of chipboard! She laughed when I told her that.

Patti took the Stamping class and loved it. She doesn't know much about stamping and had heard that the class wasn't that great but she thought it was excellent!

So Patti and I had a long break between classes after I ran into Erin Lincoln. We did...what else? SHOP!!!!!! and spent lots of money.

Good deals in the Vendor Faire. Deluxe Designs- most diecuts were only $1. I bought the following: (in various colors) Funky Flowers, Spring Flowers, Whimsical Flower, Large Funky Flower, Paisley Sprig, and a Geisha Girl in Red for my mother.

I bought a ton of stuff from Technique Tuesday....BackRounds, Just Picked, Petal Pushers, plus I got two stamp sets for my secret sister at another site. I got the portfolio for free because of how much I spent as well as receiving a special collectors' edition stamp.

I also went to the woman who taught the Melissa Frances class and bought another paper mache album and tons of papers. By that time we were pretty tired and wanted to check into the hotel.

We got our room and rested for about an hour before heading back to the convention for classes.
Ok...I really wanted to type out the rest but I just can't do it justice tonight. I'm still really tired because we hardly had any sleep since Thursday!!!! Check back tomorrow for more highlights, and maybe some photos!

Oh yeah, thank you to those that came out of lurkdome! :) Hugs.