As Seen In Flourish: The Newsletter of My Scrapbook Art Site

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These layouts were for my article on "10 Layouts for Under $10" for the April Issue. Download link below.

Read the April Issue of Flourish online HERE.

Newest Layouts

7:14 PM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »


Hot Summer Days

Expressive Moments Vol. 11 by Emily Merritt

Photo Kaleidescopes by Kathryn Wilson


I love love love Emily's templates! Get it today for 25% off!!!


Experiment No. 20 by Emily Powers

Krafty Mess Bet

Nature Boy

Beauty Mark: Beautiful Mess

Funky Love Song

Label It! Love

Mark That Date Again

Classic Cardstock: Neutral

Tag You're It

Acrylic Stickers 1


Frame The Weekend

2:21 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

Ack! What is a girl to do when she can't log in to Facebook? Apparently something is up with Facebook being incredibly slow the past 4 0r 5 days. A blogging and a twittering I must go. We had a fantastic time when the Canadian Snowbirds came to town over the weekend to celebrate Canada's accomplishment of 100 years of air flight.

These frames are classic items from Emily Powers at {we are} storytellers. They can be found the in Ecletic Boutique bundle.

What is your favorite Coldplay song? I get to see them perform so I've been making today Coldplay day!

Digi Dare #134 Is UP! Everyone is a winner!!!

11:47 AM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

This week’s sponsor:

This week we are so excited to have Dawn of Create Wings as our sponsoring designer! Dawn sells her beautiful designs at Oscraps, and everyone who participates will receive an exclusive coupon to Create Wings!

Click the image below to learn more about Dawn:

Now on to this week’s Dare!

Finish this sentence:
“I spend a lot of time online because…”
If digital scrappers are one thing, they are on the computer alot, if not online. I myself love digital scrapbooking because I do spend a lot of time surfing the internet, and it’s easy to be on the web while scrapping too. So whether you spend a lot of time chatting with other scrappers, or on Facebook, or on Ebay, tell us why.

- It must be a two-page layout
-Journaling must be a significant portion of the layout and you must begin with “I spend a lot of time on the computer because…”
-At least two photos or screenshots related to your journaling
-Use an action on one or all your photos

Layouts are due by midnight next Thursday, May 28th at .

Double Page

Page One

Page Two

I used a stock photo for the computer monitor. I used a photo corners action on one screen shot. I used a mosaic background action on another. Credits: Creation 23 by Createwings Designs; Picnic in the Park by wearestorytellers ; Alpha by Gina Cabrera; Addicted to Love and Be Green Add On by Spotted Dog Designs; Fonts: Euphorogenic, FG Freja, Fabulously Famous, Exotica; Actions: Graffishop Mosaic Background, Photo Corners unknown

Go create! I can’t wait to see your two-pagers! Remember to link us up here in the comments section by Thursday night at 11:59 PM Eastern (US) time in order to be eligible for the winning prizes.

Also, be sure to buy our Idea Book {downloadable} that is bundled in the {May} Digi Files #4 over at The Daily Digi! You get the whole bundle for just $5.00

Happy Scrapping.

Happy April Fool's Day! No Foolin' About Scrapbooking

11:39 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »

Sorry, I don't have any April Fool's Prank for you all, although I did get a notification from We're Related on Facebook that Barack Obama confirmed me as his 4th cousin. Hahaha.

I'm overdue for some updates so here we go!!!

Digi Dare #126 - My Quirk
Spring View by Doris Castle, Chuckle Out Loud Chalk Doodles by Julie Mead, Floral With Butterflies Brush by ca_pris, Curly Cupcakes Font, and Crys Font

Prima April Build-A-Page Sketch Challenge


Say It With Letters Design Team

Prima Goodies at Michael's

2:05 AM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

Did you know there is a ton of yummy Prima Marketing, Inc. ( goodies now at Michael's? I picked up some fun items this week from flowers to bling and more. Here is one layout that I made with these goodies, along with some older product.

You can get the burlap flowers, the bling, the voila felt and more all at Michaels!!! Hurry before it all sells out.


New Prima Hybrid Layout

4:31 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

This was on the Prima Blog last week. The layout features the Ulmer's new baby girl. I used the new Signs of Spring chipmates.

Physical Products used:
Angelique Paper, 810313; Signs of Springs: Diecut 881375; Signs of Springs Papers 881313, 881213; Flirty Little Secret Papers - Glitter 812812, 812720
Chipboard: Journalist Collection - Baby Girl alphabet chipboards 516437
Letter stickers: Whispered Words 812010
Retail Friendly Hybrid: RFH-chipboard pieces 400026; RFH- ink jet die cut stickers 400019; RFH- blank epoxy stickers 400002
Flowers: Caboodles 528706

New Dare, New Bella Scraps Homepage, and New Blinkies!

2:15 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
I updated my sidebar, as it was L-O-N-G overdue with the blinkies of (most of) the sites I am currently affiliated.

Now for this weeks Dare

What If…..

Well Spring should now be well on it’s way! While Spring is a lovely season, it also makes me feel kinda retrospective. This week I want us to go back in time and answer one of those “What If” questions that can float through our heads sometimes. For this weeks dare I want you to really think about it and scrap from your heart, be it a cracked piece of that heart or not. Let’s let some real, strong emotion shine through our pages!

The question: If you could go back in time, to whenever you wanted, and could change ONLY ONE decision that you have made in the past, what would it be? It’s up to you how much you want to share, but it has to be a real answer, a deeper answer. You do NOT have to scrap the question, but make sure that you make the subject clear. We are going to work with symbolism also, sometimes not actually showing the full picture, but using symbolic images and words can really be eye catching and make people think.

Dare Flairs:

* You may only use 1 photo and it may NOT be of a person - choose something that is symbolic of your answer.
* I want you to try and choose elements that are symbolic of the subject your scrapping. Tell the story with the whole page, not just your words. It only has to make sense to you, but I want you to choose 1 element you are using symbolically and explain in your credits why it’s symbolic.
* You must use a neutral or dark background - by neutral I mean gray, tan, beige etc.
* Lastly, Try and make your photo look old and a bit tattered. We are digging into the past so lets reflect that in our image!

Journaling on tag:

Nature of Illness or Injury
Patient failed to heed professional advice. She accepted employment with the dragonlady of interior design. Dragonlady chewed her up and spit her out.

First Aid Administered
Several years of therapy, and renewal of faith.

Rest of journaling:
If I had never walked through that door, I might never have given up my career as an interior designer. I might have used my degree to make the world beautiful. Maybe I would have ended up more materialistic instead of spiritual. Maybe i would have found success, but would I have become a diamond in the rough?

Woodworks by Leora Sanford
That Had to Hurt by Leora Sanford
Worn Photo Overlays2 by Something Blue Studios
Stamp Act by Leora Sanford
Mark That Date Again by Emily Powers
Chippie Birdie Alpha by beAudacious Designs
Staple by Tangie Baxter
Diamond from Build A Flower at Oscraps
2peas Architect Font
Photo from

Share your entry!


Check out Bella Scraps New Homepage Makeover!!!! My birdcages tags are featured in the banner. :)

My Most Recent Layout

2:25 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

Every once in a while, doing a favor for someone else pays off. That is not why I do it, but when you get a gift in return, it is a nice surprise. In the past, I have offered to make layouts for Becky Fleck's newsletter for her site Page Maps.

Recently, she asked me to test a few of the accompanying Digital Layered Templates that match her sketches in her Page Maps: Sketches for Creative Layouts book by Memory Makers Books. I was thrilled to do so, and it was all hush-hush until the templates were released.

Earlier this week, Becky sent me a copy of her printed book and all of the layered templates as well. Plus, she even signed the book for me. The above layout is from her sketch/template shown on page 12 (this is my version of that sketch, I am not in the book however).

I've been a huge fan of hers. I loved getting the chance to meet her in person a few years ago at Memory Trends. It's not a secret that I love sketches and most of all, layered templates, so it's a scrapilicious treat to receive this gift from her in exchange for helping out!

Thanks so much Becky!

Check out her amazing book:
and templates!

My layout above is titled: Tampa
This layout contains footnotes.
Her Royal Highness by Emily Merritt; Monkey Boy by Emily Merritt; Little Miss Glam by Emily Merritt; Meet Me at The Rink by Emily Merritt (cardstock re-colored); In a Box Alpha by Emily Merritt; Project 365 Date Strips by DeCrow Designs
all available at wearestorytellers
Font: SS Fun and SP Sweetie Pie
Digital Template: From the DVD for Scrapbook Page Maps Book by Becky Fleck, Memory Makers Books

*this layout contains {footnotes} if you would like to learn more about how this layout was created, please visit our education gallery at {we are} storytellers.